Want To Stay Competitive? Moving to the cloud!
In December 2011, market researcher International Data Corporation (IDC) noted that spending on the dominant platform it industry next, built in technology of mobile computing, cloud services, social networking, and data analytic large, growing at about 6 percent a year and are expected to be contributed at least 80 percent of the growth in spending on IT until the year 2020.
This is a large amount of money. This is an interesting proof that we are in the midst of fundamental changes, where information becomes the main raw materials in companies large and small, and maximize the value created from such information becomes increasingly strategic role of IT. For companies, this creates great opportunities to discover and exploit new market niche niche-that may be a few years ago did not even exist.
In some ways, this is not new news, even if aspects of cutting edge of mobility, social networking, and cloud data is a great novelty. Companies that are growing on the web have long had IT in its core technology.
Similarly, companies that design and manufacture high-tech components. Or financial services institutions that rely on cutting edge hardware and software to quickly figure out pricing and executing trades.
These types of businesses are at the forefront of the "third Platform", so call it, IDC--but indeed that's exactly what we expect in those industries.
Very different today is that the story is not leading IT begins and ends with companies like that. Instead, it's almost pervasive. Partly because of access to advanced IT is no longer limited to companies that have the budget to buy and operate the servers in many rooms.
Beginners (startup) companies can now with regular rent computing power per hour from the public cloud providers like Amazon Web Services and Rackspace.
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is arguably even more democratic. Basically the SaaS, hosted applications are delivered over the Internet, is to fairly standard applications that will benefit many different types of companies and instead of something unique and different.
But SaaS means that even small companies can have access to the same software that is often used by large companies; they just pay cost-per-user. This is important when you consider that, historically, small companies are often hampered by resources and IT skills are limited in dealing with basic tasks.
Currently, running email system or customer relationship management as its larger competitors simply requires an Internet connection and a credit card.
However, IT is also the leading edge is much broader than in the past to other key reasons: technology has penetrated everywhere.
The Media these days is digital media.
A collection of servers that are in the studio-gegas animation studios such as DreamWorks Animation is probably the most obvious example. Their growing computing needs only when switch to 3D animation.
But basically all the content is already didigitalisasikan in various forms. Example, catalogued and indexed sport clips so it can be quickly taken at any time – either to roll the spotlight (the highlights reel) or bid mobile premium, an opportunity that very large elections caused the money.
What about laundry? Well, this form of content is low. However, Mac-Gray Corporation successfully redefined the laundry room management. They introduce LaundryView, which allows the student/tenant the room monitoring the activity on a particular laundry spaces so they can see if a machine was not used or when their clothes washed finish. It has been visited by 5 million people and the company has added on-line payment system and service delivery.
Agriculture (farming) is an industry that brings out the picture will be a tractor-tractor and rows of plants. But Monsanto seed producers have more than 15,000 patents for the seeds that have been genetically engineered and other discoveries.
I could go on giving examples of what is familiar and unfamiliar. But the point is straightforward. The day, information technology is not something so Chief for some industries and usage. He thus spread to almost all places, whether it's about creating a new type of service, a better relationship to their customers, improve efficiency, delivering market intelligence (market information), or create a better consumer experience.
For companies that build their own it infrastructure, building an open and hybrid cloud can break down warehouses (silos) of their IT infrastructure and provide access to more quickly to resources for developers and other it service consumers. This in turn allows them to develop and deploy new business services more quickly – time to condense income doubled and bid-offer a more competitive.
However, as we have witnessed, cloud computing will also help companies that historically had little access to cutting edge technology and do not have the skills to build their own infrastructure. Whether it's Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), or SaaS, cloud providers offer the company wide option to improve their businesses with any type of IT deemed most appropriate.
Companies can choose to harness the power of cloud computing to drive their business. Or they can submit their markets to competitors who are more agile, many of whom were new arrivals are utilizing ways and new approaches to doing business with the help of TI.
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