Mozilla Stopped Developing Thunderbird

The development of ThunderBird was discontinued after the maker of endangered, Mozilla, concluded that the client e-mail program open source is "no longer in line with the ambitions of the company".

A description of it was written in a letter published by the Mozilla technology site TechCrunch.

A letter written by the Managing Director of Jb Piacentino is Thunderbird was intended to be passed on to the users of the Mozilla products on Monday (7/7/2012), but apparently has been leaked in advance and circulated on the internet.

Thunderbird e-mail client program for Windows-based desktop computer, Mac OS, and Linux versions of its newest recently announced it was not until a month ago.

Although the development of Thunderbird was discontinued, Mozilla will continue to provide support for e-mail client programs, including in terms of security and the heaviest.

Further, the letter of intent the company Mozilla explains to focus its resources and its efforts for the development of web and mobile projects. Mozilla project examples related to this field, among other mobile operating systems and web browser Firefox OS-kit Junior for the iPad.

Mozilla's decision related to the District of internet trends are increasingly leading to a web and mobile. One result of the trend it is lot of people now access your e-mail from the web and mobile devices, rather than the desktop client like Thunderbird.

Mozilla also "offer" the development of Thunderbird to indvidu or organizations interested. A final decision on the fate of Thunderbird will be announced by the company global non-profit that at the beginning of September 2012.


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