Don't show off ID CARD-credit card on Twitter & Instagram!

Later cloud security company Trend Micro, seeing that crimes in the virtual world may no longer have to use the Trojan to collect information from the user's data.
Because the current tendency is shot by perpetrators of cyber crime is harnessing social media users who intentionally post or show off your credit cards to YOUR ID in your Twitter account and Instagram.

Trend Micro researchers noticed that this ridiculous behaviour carried out by some of the younger children and even adults in the United States and Asia.

Some of the users of social media, which most young people are narcissistic, even post their LICENCE in full view and unknowingly expose sensitive information such as your full name, home address, date of birth, and more.

"We also have done a simple search on Google, and have found a lot of pictures of credit cards on the internet," said Trend Micro, in his statement quoted detikINET recorded, on Wednesday (5/12/2012).

In fact, through special search cyberspace criminals now peek an account at Twitter who share special pictures of credit cards. The name of the @ NeedADebitCard Twitter account now has more than 11,000 followers.

"What has been done by social media users, especially young people aged 16-18 years of age, who do not realize the impact of their actions is faux pas will be taped to their personal data by the cyber criminals," the firm Trend Micro.

This is certainly at any time can be exploited by cyber criminals to take advantage.

"Once again, Trend Micro, reminiscent of You social media users, especially those who have always wanted to be considered cool and updates, you may only post pictures of any kind, except a credit card or Your identity card,"

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