"Pretty women" Put Spam on Instagram










Instagram photo sharing service popularity invites the perpetrators of spam. They enter through your profile page.

It is expressed in his latest report, Symantec, Symantec Intelligence Report October edition. How the scammers that ensnare his victim begins with a comment.

Those comments have content that is not associated with the photo. And, Funnily enough, was sent by a user with a profile picture beautiful women.

Comment it sounds like this: Hi there, Get a FREE Game in my Profile, OPEN it up, Get 99 $:-) xx

As can be seen on that message, action fraud does not list a link shortened. Just call to open the profile of the sender's comments.

Well, if it's a spam sender profile page is opened, it appears that he has thousands of followers. Oddly enough, with thousands of followers, the woman has never been recorded sending photos.











Further, on the profile of the "beautiful woman", his statement was also a message that is intended to deceive the user. Complete with a shortened link.

This link will redirect users to a premium service offer.

Yet stop up there. Users who get caught are known to be "invaded" by a follower are very much in a short time.

All cam followers that have a picture of a beautiful woman in his profile and none are ever posting photos on Instagram.

In addition to offering premium services, short link in the profile of the "beautiful woman" also leads to a fake job ad with the lure of a big income.

One thing that is confusing, call Symantec, is the number of followers of each profile that appears in the action of this scam. It says this is due to the phenomenon of (follow-back) that encourages users to discuss social media-follow back accounts that have mem-follow them.

Symantec says spam, like this don't just happen on Instagram, but also in other social media. The Symantec believes Instagram will act quickly to solve it.


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