Sony Profit greatly from Indonesia, Cybershot, Bravia and Vaio

electronics companies Sony Indonesia claimed to have the biggest advantage of device (laptop) computer-laptops Vaio pocket digital camera, CyberShot, Bravia televisions and

It is revealed by Sony Indonesia President Director Satoru Arai when opening Sony Expo in Jakarta, However, Arai was reluctant to mention a percentage and numbers must be sales, CyberShot, Sony Vaio and Bravia in Indonesia. He only mentions that the Vaio laptop sales in 2011 rising 70% if compared to the year 2010.

Sony Vaio Product Sales Indonesia, Leo Hendarto Marathon says Vaio notebook on sale 1 semester 2012 increased 50% over the same period last year. He was optimistic of sales throughout the year 2012 this Vaio could have increased 50% over 2011.

Leo, depicts the current Vaio product sales the most is the E series of 50%, then 20% of the S series, and the rest is the series Z and J.

In early July 2012, Sony began selling Vaio T Series laptop ultrabook in Indonesia. Though somewhat late, but ultrabook has added value on connectivity features. Unlike other brand ultrabook "stingy" connectivity, ultrabook Sony Vaio have complete connectivity ports and slots.

Sony mobile devices such as the Sony Xperia smartphones and Tablets, have not contributed to a great income. Sony Tablet can also be called late entering the market in Indonesia, new in February 2012, whereas the Xperia smartphones are now desperately trying to escape the shadow of Ericsson and conduct rebranding products under the brand name Sony.

Sony would like to expand the range of marketing and sales of its products in Indonesia. Until now they have had 25 Sony outlet Center, Vaio 18 Stores and more than 600 authorized dealers. Headquartered in Jakarta, Sony has seven branch offices in Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Medan, Semarang, Makassar, Balikpapan Bandung, and opens a new branch office in Palembang.


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