Five Unique Yahoo Boss

Yahoo Appoints Marissa Mayer as the new CEO, as of July 17, 2012. Female 37 years is known as the figure of multitalented, dynamic, have a taste of the arts, and design flexibility.

Earlier, Mayer was one of Google's top brass. Joined in 1999, when Google was a company stub (startup). He played in the stabilisation of the gender Google at that time was dominated by seven male engineers, one second to none is the founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Women who are pregnant, took five months to build a variety of excellent products, ranging from the Google search engine, GMail, Google Maps, and iGoogle. Behind the myriad of achievements that, Mayer has another side that is unique, which may not have been known to many people. The following five unique facts about Mayer.

1. living in the penthouse hotel

Mayer with her husband, Zachari Bogue, lived in a penthouse in the private hotel Four Seasons, San Francisco.

As one of the first employees of Google, wealth Mayer is estimated at 300 million US dollars.

His wealth grew from the money compensation will be paid, in order to hijack Yahoo Mayer from Google. Money compensation it reaches 70 million US dollars, or about $ 660 billion. The details, an annual salary of 1 million US dollars, an annual bonus of 2 million US dollar, stock options contract 42 million US dollars, and another award, as well as 14 million US dollars for the money that was supposed to receive from Google. Mayer

2. the holder of the patent is important in search engine business

Mayer holds a patent search and artificial intelligence techniques. The first one, about patent # 20090204592 "interface for universal search." Second, patent # 20090063425 about technique "search with Query rewrite entity detection."

Google's first female engineer who has the technical ability, he is ready to bring mumpuni Yahoo into an internet business that is getting more and more intelligent.

Graduates of the Master of Science in computer science at Stanford University, diligently playing with algorithms to solve a thing.

3. almost become a neurosurgeon

Mayer claimed to be keen to become a neurosurgeon. However after taking courses in computer science, he fell in love with all things that smelled of computerization.

Mayer shook off a report that calls itself had been the cheerleaders (cheerleader). "I have never been a cheerleader. I'm too shy for that. I am just taking classical ballet dance courses, "said Mayer to Vogue magazine.

4. was fond of sports

In an interview with The New York Times, Mayer reveals its sporty side. He claims to have run a marathon, skiing, mountain climbing up. Two years ago, Mayer defeated top Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

His standing on the Summit of Kilimanjaro, was distributed to the social networking website Twitter. "From the top of Kilimanjaro! 4 days 4 hours round trip, "wrote Mayer.

5. The Fashionista

Mayer's appearance is concerned. Mayer has been a regular customer of her favorite designer Oscar de la Renta.

Taste this he admits fesyennya within the scope of the job and at home. Mayer's most lasting legacy for Google is Google search engine display design. It was he who makes Google appear minimalist, clean white background-dominated.

Minimalist style with white all-rounder is also applied in shades of penthouse Mayer. "When people come to my house, they always ask: does Google look like your House, or your home that looks like Google?"


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