Android Phones Used An Army Of Enemy Detection

When gamers around the world honored the sophistication of military technology in Battlefield 3 game, South Korea made inroads on its own in the field of "Battlefield".

Preached by the Korea Times, the Government of South Korea is developing the technology to support mobile devices in military combat.

A device that is used to run this technology is the Samsung Galaxy S and some of the other Android-based smartphone.

Technology developed equally with the game in the game. For example, a technology called Battlefield Augmented Reality System (BARS).

This system can show maps and shape the area around in three dimensions in real time on the screen smartphone. This application is very useful when soldiers fought in the darkness of night and fog.

In addition, there are eight BARS of other applications that are no less sophisticated, such as a program to detect the position of his army with the help of a Global Positioning System (GPS) and send video directly to Headquarters.

Another technology that is very similar to the game is the ability to detect enemy uniforms and promoted through the smartphone camera.

In addition to South Korea, the United States has used military technology in smartphones when Afghanistan war some time ago.

American soldiers used the application called BulletFlight which is useful for calculating the movements of bullets on the M110 sniper rifle. They are also using the Phraselator and Vcommunicator to translate languages United Kingdom to the foreigners in the form of writings and voice.


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