Tips Trick photograph at the Museum

Museum is one of the places that are worthy of inclusion in the list of tourist visit while on vacation.

However, unlike other tourist attractions, the museum has a stricter policy when dealing with events photographing. Beyond that, the lighting conditions at the museum which is not too bright to be a separate issue.

But that does not mean it is no solution. Quoted from ExposureGuide, here's how to overcome the constraints of photographing in museums:

1. before you start

For some people would already know that the museum has strict regulations regarding activities of photographing. Ban this one is forbidden to use flash or a ban on photographing certain objects.

However, most museums still allow visitors to photograph architecture buildings and outside areas. To do this, select the large aperture (f/2.8-f/4.0) in order to incorporate enough light. If necessary, use a tripod or monopod now wearing shutter speed low if flash cannot be used.

2. Photographing in Low Light Conditions

The lighting in the museum are usually not too bright. Therefore it takes exactly penyettingan camera.

Wear at least 400 ISO in figures. If flash cannot be used, use the widest aperture your best so you can use it as a hand hold and use a shutter speed high.

The reason, sometimes when photographing display, tripod also banned because it can hinder others to see the works on display.

3. avoid Reflection Glass

Many exhibitions are on display in the glass, especially valuable artifacts and paintings. To avoid reflection, never use flash, its usage outside is not allowed.

In this case, you must hold the lens onto the glass, if this is allowed. However, clean the glass used to be in front of you so that the former fingerprints recorded did not enter in the photo.

If you can use filters, polarizing this will also greatly help reduce the reflection. Sometimes also needed to raise ISO because of the many artifacts on display in a very dimly lit conditions.

4. pay attention to Details

Don't be afraid to approach object to get a dramatic effect. Macro lens here is helpful to capture detail.

But if you must be within range of some distance, wear a zoom lens. Set the setting to large aperture: f/1.8 to f/4.0 and a shutter speed of 1/100 per second if using flash or 1/60 per second and lower if without flash.

5. take a picture of the ceiling

Several museums have aristektur an interesting and artsy. Sometimes, this charmingly architecture can be found in the ceiling.

In order to capture its beauty, hadapkan the camera up and try not to use flash. ISO 400 upwards so that the camera could compromise is needed with minimal light. Use the self timer or a cable release when it is allowed to put on a tripod, with the aim of preventing the photo into a blur.


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