RIM License Microsoft's exFAT

In a statement released Tuesday (18/9/2012) back, Microsoft announced a new license agreement with Research in Motion (RIM), the manufacturer of BlackBerry Smartphones from Canada. RIM licensed the exFAT file system owned by Microsoft.

As quoted from the PC World, with dijalinnya the Treaty, now RIM can use exFAT in BlackBerry devices so that it can be used to Exchange data between different types of platforms.

Previously, Microsoft set the exFAT file system as standard across platforms and devices. This File system has been used by Microsoft in Windows Vista, which was released in 2007 as a replacement for an old file system FAT32 and simple NTFS.

Compared to its predecessor, exFAT offers a number of advantages such as support file sizes up to 256TB, better transfer rates, as well as the management of empty space (free space) that is more efficient.

Unlike NTFS, media storage with file system exFAT can be read-write without a problem on a Mac OS based computer aupun Windows. Apple has included support for exFAT in Mac OS X operating system, while Microsoft managed to invite more companies technologies to support the use of exFAT.

The adoption of a semi-exFAT universal also allows users to this file system exchange data easily between devices like PCS, tablets, smartphones, and more.

ExFAT licensing agreements preceding it have also been carried out with Sharp Microsoft is planning on using the file system on the device Android smartphone.

Microsoft Gets a bigger income from licensing agreements with manufacturers of Android devices than the infusion of his own Windows Phone platform. Last quarter, Microsoft is expected to successfully earn income of nearly one billion US dollars only from licensing agreements with manufacturers of Android.


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