Windows Phone Push The Predicted BlackBerry

the declining popularity of BlackBery predicted a fresh breeze for Windows Phone, at least in the United States. According to StatCounter research, Windows Phone-Microsoft predicted market share surpasses Blackberry in the us in November.

The projection is based on the adoption of a second platform at this time. BlackBerry market share in the land of Uncle Sam decreased to 3% since the beginning of 2012, from the previous one was 6%.

While the Windows Phone experience increased slowly with a market share in the range of 1.5%. If those trends continued, Windows Phone will go beyond BlackBerry and become the third-largest player, though very far behind from the iPhone and Android.

The popularity of Windows Phone is expected to increase with the presence of Windows Phone 7 handsets. Nokia reportedly will introduce Windows 7 handsets in early September.

While BlackBerry still rely on the old model. RIM already mentioned that phones with BlackBerry OS 10 is still not going to greet the market until 2013. Such as quoted on the International Business Times.

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