Epson Introduces First Paper Recycling System Can Be Placed in Office

Epson is already famous for pecetak machine (printer) quality, and this time they introduce a system of processing recycled paper that can be used as a new paper in an easy and simple way.
PaperLab is a paper recycling machine that can juggle waste paper into new paper clean. How it works is very simple, we just enter the waste paper into the machine, and do not need mengunggu long time, the new clean paper came out of the machine.
Epson himself said that the system of recycling machines that can be placed in this office more efficient than carrying waste paper recycling system to a third party. In addition, Epson's proprietary PaperLab machine was also claimed safe, because this machine will count the paper-shredded into small grater then be reassembled into a new paper that is safe of course.
Specifications of the machine was indeed impressive. How not, just three minutes after we enter into the waste paper machines, sheets of clean white paper directly pumped out of the machine neatly.
PaperLab machine can produce 14 sheets of A4 size paper in one minute, this means that the machine can produce 6720 pieces of paper within 8 hours. Not only that, this machine also can produce A3-sized paper, and can adjust itself to the thickness and density of the paper itself. You can also make a thick paper business card for your company using this machine.
PaperLab firms say that the machine is the first machine in the world that uses a system of "dry process". In the waste paper processing machines usually require a lot of water to recycle paper, but PaperLab requires little water to maintain a certain humidity level in the system, so it does not need to be dunked into water

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